#Scientology Faces File V1.5 (5/13/98)
Here's a Faces file for
the Mac IRC client Ircle - it contains faces mostly gleaned from
Martin Hunt's ARSCC
Photo Gallery - if you want your photo added (or removed) from this file let me know at
taniwha@taniwha.com. If you
have Ircle you can export your own face - this file is mostly
usefull for those of us who want to see what those who don't have Ircle look
If you haven't used ircle faces before choose "faces" from the "Windows" menu
to start
To use this file download it and uncompress it - you should end up with a
file called "FaceFile" - you can do one of three things (#3 is recomended):
- Replace your FaceFile in Ircle's Faces directory - WARNING this will get rid of any cached faces you've already collected
- Use ResEdit to merge the two files - open this file under resedit, select the "PICT" icon and copy it to the clipboard, then open the FaceFile in Ircle's faces directory and paste it in and save the result
- Open Ircle's preferences dialog box and choose the faces tab - the
"Select ..." button will let you change your faces file (again your old cached
faces will stay in the old file)
Ircle has to be not running to do the first two.
For further entertainment: A brush with greatness